Mods would only serve as an extension of that. In previous GTA games, cheat codes already allow players to mess with the game, giving them access to every weapon, invincibility, a five-star police rating, and more. Rockstar's games are known for their extremely high production value, interesting stories, and huge sandbox worlds that players can mess around in. With GTA 6, Rockstar would take a note out of Bethesda's book and encourage mods across all platforms. Tons of fantastic mods and funny videos have still come from players who modify the game to cause pure chaos. While Rockstar doesn't do much to support the modding community, that definitely doesn't mean it is dead. That's how we got things like Thomas the Tank Enginein The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim or Iron Man in a GTA game.

While mods can be just a simple as bug fixes for a broken game, some modders also use them to create hilarious content that would never be allowed legally.

Mods are fan-made content that allows people to modify and alter a game's contents and allow players to put things not played by the developers in the games. This GTA 5 mod essentially gives the game next-gen graphics.